Top Songs of January 2023
Song was released between December 31st - January 2oth 2023
Song released in above timeframe
Only (1) Song per Album
Spotify & Apple Music Playlists at the bottom of the page
Song released in above timeframe
Only (1) Song per Album
Spotify & Apple Music Playlists at the bottom of the page
10 A$AP Rocky - Same Problems?
9 Benny Sings - Young Hearts
8 boygenius - $20
7 M83 - Oceans Niagara
6 Brevin Kim - Shoulderblades
5 the moss - Chaparral
4 Tommy Lefroy - Worst Case Kid
3 Overmono - Is U
2 Vegabond - Carpenter
1 Gaz Coombes - Turn The Car Around