Top Songs of January 2021
Song was released between December 31st - January 22nd 2021
Only (1) Song per Album
Spotify & Apple Music Playlists at the bottom of the page
Only (1) Song per Album
Spotify & Apple Music Playlists at the bottom of the page
#30 Olivia Rodrigo - drivers license
#29 Django Django - Free from Gravity
#28 Cheekface - (I Don't Want to Go to) Calabasses #27 Royal Blood - Typhoon
#26 Black Country, New Road - Track X
#25 Julien Baker - Hardline
#24 Typhoon - We're in it
#23 Beach Bunny - Blame Game
#22 Emotional Oranges - Bonafide (feat. Chiiild)
#21 Camp Trash - Sleepyhead
#20 Two Feet - Fire
#19 Aaron Frazer - Done Lyin'
#18 Balthazar - On a Roll
#17 KILLSWSH - Think of You
#16 Neøv - Mirrors
#15 Drove - Holding On
#14 Citizen - I Want to Kill You
#13 Rhye - Come Closer
#12 JRJ - Gone
#11 GEIZ - Save Me
#10 Dayglow - Close To You
#9 London Grammar - Lose Your Head
#8 Mogwai - Ritchie Sacramento
#7 Bicep - Sundial
#6 Small Black - Duplex
#5 Bas & The Hics - Smoke From Fire
#4 The Black Keys - Keep My Name Outta Your Mouth
#3 Lo VIllage - Lost In America
#2 Kings of Leon - The Bandit
#1 Viagra Boys - Girls & Boys