Top Songs of April 2023
Song was released between March 25th - April 21st 2023
Song released in above timeframe
Only (1) Song per Album
Spotify & Apple Music Playlists at the bottom of the page
Song released in above timeframe
Only (1) Song per Album
Spotify & Apple Music Playlists at the bottom of the page
10 Dominic Fike - Dancing In The Courtroom
9 Zombie Juice - Dr. Miami feat. Meechy Darko
8 Mac Demarco - The Truth
7 Dinner Party - Breathe feat. Arin Ray
6 spill tab - Window
5 Jungle & Erick the Architect - Candle Flame
4 Oracle Sisters - Hail Mary
3 Romy - Enjoy Your Life
2 Portugal. The Man & Edgar Winter - Champ
1 Temples - Slow Days